Tuesday 20 October 2015

Keeping Busy

It has been a busy year for me with readings and workshops. I love having these opportunities to connect through poetry, so I'm looking forward to facilitating a workshop as part of the Irish Writers Centre Masterclass series on 28th October http://irishwriterscentre.ie/products/the-poetry-masterclass-series

Also really delighted to be appearing at Dublin Book Festival in some great company on November 14 in Smock Alley Theatre, so get booking: http://bit.ly/1kmiFod

And I've been speaking to Headstuff about my latest collection of poetry 'The Goose Tree': http://www.libertiespress.com/shop/the-goose-tree
Thanks to Alvy Carragher for the opportunity and the interesting questions.

Thursday 15 October 2015


This is the second Beautiful Dragons project with which I've been involved. The first was 'Heavenly Bodies' where 88 poets wrote a poem each to represent each of the 88 constellations. My constellation was Triangulum and the eventual poem was A Dream of Three.
In this new anthology poets were invited to pick an element from the periodic table and I chose Silica.

Dreamt up, organised, edited and masterminded by the wonderful Rebecca Jane Irvine the projects are not only great fun but also a challenge and I love being involved. The launch of the new book will be in Manchester on the 27th November and the book will be available at the link below, where you can also see a picture of the lovely production.
