Saturday 10 March 2012

Springtime in Paris

I'm so looking forward to reading in Paris next week with Deirdre Cartmill and Maureen Boyle at the Irish Cultural Centre.
Hopefully there will be time for a little sightseeing and as I've never been in Paris before I want to fit in as much as possible. Thinking Montmartre and maybe a boat trip on the Seine. One of the best tips I've had so far, from a friend who lives in France, is before I say anything else say, Je suis desole. Je ne parle pas bien Francais. Detalils of the event below - and any other tips welcome.

Wednesday 7 March 2012

New CavanKerry Book

I am really delighted to have a poem included in the second volume of the Waiting Room Reader, published by the excellent CavanKerry Press, New York.
The Waiting Room Reader: Stories to Keep you Company, will be placed in many waiting rooms in hospitals in the tri-state area. Over 10,000 free copies of the first volume of the Reader were placed in over 300 waiting rooms in more than 63 hospitals in the tri-state area.

Have a look at what CavanKerry do at the link below