Sunday 27 February 2011

Seamus Heaney Centre Reading

This Friday at 1.00 pm in the Heaney Centre. If you are free come along and hear me read some of the poems from my new book, Miracle Fruit, alongside Sonia Abercrombie who will be performing some of the character poems from that book. It's a bit different.
Bernie McGill will also be reading from her wonderful novel, The Butterfly Cabinet.

Hogarth - Self Portrait With Pug Dublin 2007

I went to Dublin to see a Lucien Freud exhibition and there happened to be a Hogarth exibition at the same time. This poem came about as a result.

My Turn To Be The Horse

This is a little poem that sprang from a childhood memory of many hours spent in the school playground, break and lunchtimes, playing this game.

Thursday 24 February 2011


This will be the hosting website for my poetry. It will include recordings and readings, new poems and details of readings and events in which I'm involved. My publisher is Lagan Press, Belfast
Please feel free to visit any time and to leave a comment on the work you find here.